Author Adnan Shafi – Tears Fall In My Heart

The interview below was conducted between the honorable author and the editor-in-chief of Writerly – Ms. Sania Zakir and the honorable author of the book, Tears Fall In My Heart – Mr. Adnan Shafi.

Q.1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

Adnan: Poetry wasn’t in my sanity, I don’t realize how it went on and how I got involved in, but as a child, I was flabbergasted by the poems of John Keats and Agha Shahid Ali. As an adolescent, I recollected composing poems inside my heart without putting them down onto pages. And the day, when I realized and started writing poetry, was only in 12th class. The first poem that I penned with all endeavor was on the theme ‘ nature’, and unfortunately, I lost it somewhere.

Q.2. How long does it take you to write a book?
Adnan: Writing a book primarily depends on how much time the writer puts in to literally writing it. So for me, writing my first book took me I guess two months to come up with all the themes related to Kashmir and the confrontation going on for years as my time schedule was limited (2 or 3 hours daily). It was an arduous process to keep up with those themes, but ultimately, I managed to gather it to shape my book as well.

Q.3. What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

Adnan: To be honest, my schedule is peculiar. It all depends on my temperament when I feel ravenous for writing I just keep on writing, but when I get bored or mixed up, I leave it, maybe for days, months, until I get the same resilience again to continue writing. The fact is that a writer who doesn’t read doesn’t keep going long. Reading is the bread for a writer to write more and without it, the person may starve, both figuratively and truly. The more we read, the more we learn and enrich our skills. A person must have the percipience to read and write.

Q.4. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

Adnan: This is truly hard! I’m not certain if you yearn a quirk in my craft or just when I write. If it’s when I compose, I don’t crunch on as I read and change things. It’s doubtlessly a tragic propensity, yet I can do read-through without nibbling. Art is more enthusiastically to make a tone of… I can’t hop ahead like a few writers when they reckon about a scene. I need to compose linear straight ahead and no hopping around. I favor re-reading the earlier days’ worth of effort and proceeding onward from that point. I don’t mind for being critiqued face-to-face. I like to read what my critique accomplice needs to address and digest it before remarking back. If they remark something that aggravates or bothers, in light of the fact that the word/characters are incredible to me, I can’t shroud it. So I like to get it recorded as a hard copy and thoroughly contemplate it and acknowledge they might be honest. Much of my first book is drawn on Kashmir and the people anguishing the setback in everyday life. Therefore, I continue shouting in unison the word “Freedom’ (Azaadi). Ponder over my poem also to get a wide understanding.

Q.5. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

Adnan: The answer is that I get the thoughts just from the outside world, for instance, in Kashmir, you can observe the misfortunes and write on them. This everything is forged here and our pens can’t gather it completely. In addition, this is also the truth that emotionally, our musings appear unexpectedly: they simply fly into our heads, or develop as words leaving our mouths. Equitably, we can say that contemplations rise up out of neural cycles and that neural cycles originate from all over the place.

Q.7. When did you write your first book and how old were you?

Adnan: I guess I had written my book during graduation, and it got published during my post-graduation because first off, we know it becomes troublesome to find the right publisher where we can get a lot of benefits. I was 22 years old when I wrote my first book.

Q.8. What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Adnan: When I don’t write, then I like to rest with a decent book. I Choose writers who I love, and abound in their exposition – yet keep a large portion of my psyche too on making sense of why precisely I love their composition, and spotting what procedures they use. Then again, I get something you wouldn’t regularly read and look at a basic eye over the manners by which the style varies from my standard top picks. I surely learn something.

Q.9. What does your family think of your writing?

Adnan: My family is extremely delighted with my composition. It is my family who persuaded me to think of a book and they urge me to continue communicating the agonies of my land.

Q.10. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
Adnan: The most surprising thing that I learnt while creating my books was that griefs are enough, but a pen can bring revolution if a man yearns to do so.

Q.12. Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer? If so, what are they?
Adnan: Yes, I have suggestions to help you become a better writer. We know we become a writer by writing but the presence is what to write, and how to, what is essential. I guess there are many things that must be pointed out we should always read what we write at least once. At the point when we plunk down to organize, our thought moves quicker than the speed of our fingers on our pen or keyboard. Fingers commit errors when they run with the reflection. Sound education as well as his acuity and assurance also are naturally required. If we re-read what we have composed, we will address the mistakes ourselves. Sometimes we try to utilize pointless words, which every writer I guess brings into play.

Short sentences, Paragraphs, multiple things in one paragraph must be ignored. This nurtures our writing to flow. It gets simpler to read. The reader doesn’t need to return and see over and over and above all else, the reader’s brain acknowledges the data we give. We have to learn this all to write more and more, if we pen without knowing actually how to write in our day to day life, that will give us benefit a bit, but if we learn what is really significant, that will offer more benefit.

Q.13. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Adnan: Readers have various tastes, some of the time they like the book, at times they don’t. However, I endeavor to assemble everything in my book to give them a superior thought, still, the readers remark numerous things like they portray encouraging and unfavorable things as well.


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